The Gut Goddess

FREE Gut Goddess Meal Guide ✨


Gut Healing Nutrition made simple. Eat your way to incredible digestion without another elimination diet. You don't need another meal plan to heal your gut, you need to know how to plan your own meals & knowing how begins here.

Download this printable guide & watch how creating gut healing meals becomes easiest part of your day. This guide includes a printable meal guide you can put on your fridge, specific suggestions for proteins, fats & carbs to prioritize, 3 sample days of eating, 9 gut healing recipes & more.👇🏼


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FREE Gut Goddess
Meal Guide

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I healed from a decade of struggling with IBS, SIBO, bloat, gas, painful, urgent poops, lactose intolerance and the longest, always growing list of food sensitivities with an approach that I had to DIY myself.

--- I tried every single gut healing diet, eating just vegetables & nuts at one point, Low FODMAP, gluten free, dairy free, egg free, paleo, keto, carnivore & making all my meals from scratch, YET I was bloated every single day & hadn't had a normal poop in years no matter how perfectly I ate.

--- I tried every supplement out there...all types of fibers, greens, probiotics, anti-microbials, vitamins, minerals, motility agents & more. I was setting timers on my phone to take my 15 supplements per day yet I felt no different despite spending hundreds a month & cleaning out a kitchen cabinet to store them all.

--- I saw a new practitioner every 6 months for years who would run their fancy tests, diagnose me with something else or just told me everything was normal & put me on yet another intense diet, massive supplement plan, leaving me feeling like my health was in their hands.

After all of that, lingering symptoms that I was kinda managing & so much food fear & health anxiety, I was not okay with this version of "healed". I had no other choice but to figure out another way. 

These days I can't remember the last time I was bloated, gassy or had looser stools, I eat every single food I was sensitive to, I eat gluten after 8 years of being GF, I drink a gallon of milk per week, I eat out, travel & live life without the fear or anxiety I had with my health for years. 

If I can do it, so can you. I’m sharing exactly how I healed inside my programs 🫶🏼✨


Credentials: Masters of Science in Holistic Nutrition, NUNM 2016

Primal Health Coach, 2020

Read more about my story here
Listen to my story on my Podcast

Learn how I eat for perfect digestion inside:

The Gut Goddess Meal Guide✨


Gut Healing Nutrition is confusing & the last thing you need is more meal plans sitting on your desktop. Download this printable meal guide to learn what 4 essential pieces you need at every meal, meal ideas & 9 of my favorite gut healing recipes. Â